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Start Selling Online with the Help of a Professional Web Design Company

Benefits of Selling Online

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive and reach a wider audience. One of the most effective ways to do this is by setting up an ecommerce website. However, creating an ecommerce website can be overwhelming, especially for those with little to no experience in web design and development. This is where a professional web design company like BlueShark can play a crucial role.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of selling online and outline the important steps to get started, with the assistance of BlueShark.


01. Expanded reach:

By establishing an ecommerce website, you can sell your products or services to customers not just in your local area, but also beyond geographical boundaries. This opens up new markets and opportunities for growth.


02. Increased sales potential:

An online store allows you to operate 24/7, enabling customers to make purchases at their convenience. This can lead to a significant increase in sales potential as compared to a brick-and-mortar store with limited operating hours.


03. Cost-effectiveness:

Running an online store eliminates the need for a physical storefront, reducing expenses related to rent, utilities, and staffing. Additionally, digital marketing techniques can be more affordable than traditional advertising methods.


04. Enhanced customer experience:

With an ecommerce website, customers can easily browse through your products, compare prices, read reviews, and make purchases without leaving their homes. This convenience fosters a positive customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


05. Important Steps to Start Selling Online:

Define your goals and target audience: Clearly identify your business objectives, such as increasing sales, expanding your customer base, or entering new markets. Understanding your target audience will help tailor your website and marketing strategies to their needs and preferences.


06. Choose a reliable web design company:

Partnering with a professional web design company like BlueShark can simplify the process and ensure a high-quality, user-friendly ecommerce website. Their expertise and experience will help you create a website that reflects your brand image and meets your business requirements.


07. Select an ecommerce platform:

There are numerous ecommerce platforms available, each with its own set of features and pricing options. Discuss your requirements with the web design company to select the most suitable platform for your business needs. Popular options include WordPress WooCommerce.


08. Design your website:

Work closely with the web design company to create an attractive and intuitive website layout. Optimize the design for easy navigation, seamless browsing, and efficient product search. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, as a large percentage of online traffic comes from mobile devices.


09. Integrate a secure payment gateway:

Customers should feel confident when making online purchases from your website. Implement secure payment gateways that protect customer information and provide multiple payment options to accommodate different preferences. and WebexPay are some of the recommended at the start.


10. Implement effective marketing strategies

Simply having an ecommerce website does not guarantee success. Develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan with the assistance of your web design company. This may include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email campaigns, and paid advertising.


11. Monitor and analyze performance:

Continuously track and analyze your website’s performance using analytics tools. Measure key performance indicators (KPIs) such as traffic, conversion rates, and average order value. This data can help identify areas for improvement and guide future marketing efforts.



Starting a successful online business requires careful planning and the expertise of a professional web design company in Sri Lanka. BlueShark is a trusted partner that can provide the necessary guidance and support to create an ecommerce website that reflects your brand, drives sales, and enhances the customer experience.

With the benefits of expanded reach, increased sales potential, cost-effectiveness, and an enhanced customer experience, there has never been a better time to start selling online. Embrace the digital revolution and take your business to new heights with the power of ecommerce.


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